JOIN 入会案内
Apply for Admission to Membership
Click here to join our society. Please check the Society's Constitution and Bylaws before joining. There are four types of membership in the Society. The benefits of membership are as follows. If you have any questions about joining the Society, please contact the Secretariat.
(1) Regular member: Annual membership fee of 5,000 yen
1- Participation in the Annual Conference
2- Contribution to the academic journal “Asian Journal of Disaster Trauma Research
(If you do not have a referral person, please contact the secretariat for details.)
Please apply for membership using the membership form below.
After receiving approval from the Board of Directors, we will send you information on how to pay the membership fee by bank transfer.
After the payment of the membership fee is confirmed, you will be made a full member.
(2) Student members: Annual membership fee 2,000 yen
1- Same benefits as regular members
2- Student members are required to send a copy of their student ID card.
(If you do not have a student member, please contact the secretariat for details.)
Please apply for membership using the membership form below. You will be asked to submit a photo of your student ID.
Upon approval by the Board of Directors, we will send you information on the transfer of the membership fee.
After the payment is confirmed, you will become a student member.
(3)Newsletter membership Annual membership fee: Free
Sending of various information Please register from the box below.
(4) Supporting members
Individuals and corporations who agree with the activities of the Society may become Supporting Members. Please contact the secretariat for more information about the benefits of supporting membership.
1- 10,000 yen per unit, one or more units
Please apply for membership using the membership form below.