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髙橋 哲*


Satoshi Takahashi*

*Ashiya Institute of Life Psychology




髙橋 哲*  *芦屋生活心理学研究所 

Introduction to Psychological Support after Natural Disasters

Satoshi Takahashi*

*Ashiya Institute of Life Psychology

Asia Disaster Trauma Research Vol.1 1-42


Impact of Perceived Stress and Resilience on Depression: A Study in Medical Staff

Buzohre Elia,b†, Xuefeng Chena,b†, Yueyue Zhoua,b, Yiming Lianga,b, Xin Huanga,b,Yue Fana,b, Quan Zhanga,b, Yongjie Zhouc,d, Zhengkui Liua,b*

a CAS Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

b Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

c Research Center for Psychological and Health Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

d Affiliated Wuhan Mental Health Center, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China.

† Equal contribution

* Corresponding author

Asia Disaster Trauma Research Vol.1 43-67



高橋 哲*  *宮城県スクールカウンセラースーパーバイザー/神戸学院大学

Use of PTSD31 Stress Checklist in the Great East Japan Earthquake

(Junior High School A:Group analysis of first graders and three-year analysis of all three years)

Satoshi Takahashi* *School Counselor Supervisor, Miyagi Prefecture / Kobe Gakuin University

Asia Disaster Trauma Research Vol.1 69-80


COVID 19初期まん延期における心理師の現状と災害心理援助に関するオンライン研修の有効性について

赤田 太郎*   *四條畷学園短期大学/アジア災害トラウマ学会 事務局長

The Studies of Difficulties of Psychologists in the Early Phase of Coronavirus and the Effectiveness of Online Training on Disaster Psychological Assistance

Taro Akada*  *Shijonawate-gakuen Junior College/Secretary General, Asian Society for Disaster Trauma Studies

Asia Disaster Trauma Research Vol.1 81-101



COVID 19における小学生のストレス反応の変容

大塚芳生*1・礒谷由希*2  熊本大学1 益城町立津森小学校2 

Transformation of stress response in elementary school students in COVID-19

Yoshio Ohtsuka*1, Yuki Isogai*2

Kumamoto university*1, Tsumori elementary school*2

Asia Disaster Trauma Research Vol.1 103-120

日本でのCOVID 19のパンデミック初期(2020年2月末~6月1週目)におけるスクールカウンセラーの取り組み

春原千夏* *兵庫県スクールカウンセラー

School Counselors' Efforts in the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan (End of February to First Week of June 2020)

Chinatsu Haruhara*  *Hyogo Pref. School Counselor

Asia Disaster Trauma Research Vol.1 121-133



The Society provides “care after the disaster” that matches Asia, through reports on practical activities from Asian countries, presentations of victims, presentations of basic research, and introduction of country-specific trauma treatment theory and crisis intervention techniques. It is an academic organization that creates.



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